Today I woke up feeling super sick. Blocked nose, hectic cough, mad headache... it's been a while since I've been sick. So I decided to have an actual proper healthy breakfast. I wasn't very hungry so I made myself a bowl of fruit and yogurt. It was so simple to make... I don't know why I don't do it more often. And so tasty. And it looks so much more appealing in photos!!

I didn't eat much the rest of the day... feeling too sick and was doing a lot of uni work which distracted me heaps. I just nibbled on bits and pieces including my sisters popcorn. Shhh she gets angry when I steal her food.

When it was dinner time, I had a small bowl of rice porridge because I wasn't feeling very well but after that I managed to eat dinner with the family. It was the same normal food, nothing too special.

And mum said the only oil she used were to cook the lamb and that wasn't even a lot of oil.
After that my sister came home from work and gave me two massive
chocolate dipped strawberries! That was my dessert I guess.

I'm not so sure whether I decided to have a healthy breakfast because I was sick or whether it was because I was disgusted at what I ate all of last week and wanted a nice, clean, fresh, healthy start! But I do know that eating that for breakfast made me feel so, so good inside. I didn't feel guilty one bit. Lets just see how we go the rest of the week.
Nobody judge me!
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