What on earth did I do today? I have no idea. But time went by very, very quickly and before I knew it, it was dinner time. Waking up at 7am just to go to Mr Full Time Lover's house by 8am meant that I was going to have to eat breakfast at his house. There was no way in hell that I was able to whip up something from my own kitchen. Why I went to his house so early, I have no idea. I have a feeling it was because we were supposed to go to the sauna early in the morning before the iMac arrived but I think that plan failed as soon as I jumped into bed with him. What a hopeless person he is.
So the usual, having porridge for breakfast! And I do indeed love flavour so hello honey!
Hehe! Sleepyhead full time lover and his hilarious bed hair. Ahhh love it!
Porridge bowls... I get less because i'm a girl.
Getting my calcium! For healthy teeth and bones :)
Yummy hunny! And this time it looks better than the
one on Sunday. Haha! I was so hungover then.
God knows what we did all day, but we did have lunch and play with the iMac that's for sure! Ok if there is one thing you must know about Mr Full Time Lover is that he can be a healthy person when he wants to be. And it's usually the majority of the time. I mean, for fucks sake the guy calls "a bowl of almonds and a glass of milk" dessert. What the hell is with that? And here I am eating icecream out of the carton, sitting in bed with a block of chocolate right next to me. Yeah. I am way more exciting than him. But really, he goes through health kicks all the time because of his kickboxing training. So there IS a reason for all of this! Haha, he isn't that much of a loser it's ok. (Benn if you ever do actually decide to read this, know that I fully support your health kicks and that I wish I was more like you. *puts fist to mouth*) So for lunch today we decided to go out and buy something to eat. I love it how he suggests "Maccas, Hungry Jacks? Do you want a Whopper meal?" which makes me feel like the biggest fat shit in the world. I feel like this blog also shows what a fat shit I am too. So to prove him wrong and for this journals sake, I stubbornly said "Who says I automatically wanted Maccas?! I feel like being healthy and eating Subway." Now we both know that Subway is Mr Full Time Lover's number one lunch spot whenever we go out so obviously, he assumed I only suggested it for his sake. But lets just get to the point. We ate at Subway. And I felt good.
Roast chicken on honeyoat bread with cheese, lettuce, cuccumber, tomato and carrot.
Honey mustard sauce with just salt. Annnddd two triple chocolate cookies.
One thing I actually noticed about hanging out with Mr Full Time Lover is that we don't eat a lot of junk food often. Comparing it to how much I eat with my friends whenever I am at their house, I rarely ever just sit and eat constantly out of the Doritos packet or down chocolate like there is no tomorrow. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like we haven't done that before because trust me, this guy will sit in front of the tv and eat an entire Doritos packet all in one go. He is still young and growing, don't judge him. We do eat our yummy Magnam icecream while watching TV too. And we do eat a block of chocolate together as well. But on rare occassions. Like for example, today. The only thing I ate when with him were the two main meals of the day. Nothing else. And I have no idea why because I always snack on everything. I'm trying to figure it out but I can only come up with these reasons:
So the usual, having porridge for breakfast! And I do indeed love flavour so hello honey!

one on Sunday. Haha! I was so hungover then.
God knows what we did all day, but we did have lunch and play with the iMac that's for sure! Ok if there is one thing you must know about Mr Full Time Lover is that he can be a healthy person when he wants to be. And it's usually the majority of the time. I mean, for fucks sake the guy calls "a bowl of almonds and a glass of milk" dessert. What the hell is with that? And here I am eating icecream out of the carton, sitting in bed with a block of chocolate right next to me. Yeah. I am way more exciting than him. But really, he goes through health kicks all the time because of his kickboxing training. So there IS a reason for all of this! Haha, he isn't that much of a loser it's ok. (Benn if you ever do actually decide to read this, know that I fully support your health kicks and that I wish I was more like you. *puts fist to mouth*) So for lunch today we decided to go out and buy something to eat. I love it how he suggests "Maccas, Hungry Jacks? Do you want a Whopper meal?" which makes me feel like the biggest fat shit in the world. I feel like this blog also shows what a fat shit I am too. So to prove him wrong and for this journals sake, I stubbornly said "Who says I automatically wanted Maccas?! I feel like being healthy and eating Subway." Now we both know that Subway is Mr Full Time Lover's number one lunch spot whenever we go out so obviously, he assumed I only suggested it for his sake. But lets just get to the point. We ate at Subway. And I felt good.

Honey mustard sauce with just salt. Annnddd two triple chocolate cookies.
One thing I actually noticed about hanging out with Mr Full Time Lover is that we don't eat a lot of junk food often. Comparing it to how much I eat with my friends whenever I am at their house, I rarely ever just sit and eat constantly out of the Doritos packet or down chocolate like there is no tomorrow. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like we haven't done that before because trust me, this guy will sit in front of the tv and eat an entire Doritos packet all in one go. He is still young and growing, don't judge him. We do eat our yummy Magnam icecream while watching TV too. And we do eat a block of chocolate together as well. But on rare occassions. Like for example, today. The only thing I ate when with him were the two main meals of the day. Nothing else. And I have no idea why because I always snack on everything. I'm trying to figure it out but I can only come up with these reasons:
- i'm not completely comfortable to raid his kitchen on my own yet, unlike everybody else's kitchen where the first thing I do is run to their fridge. Heck my last bf who I was with for years, his mum even bought me food and placed it in the pantry cos she knew I always raided their pantry.
- he is pretty healthy and I feel like that fat girlfriend who always wants to eat so maybe i'm self conscious? But the funny thing is that he knows I love food, so I don't know whether this point is valid.
- i'm not bored when i'm with him! I always eat when i'm bored or when I have nothing to do. But then again when i'm with friends I eat majority of the time while talking and watching tv. So i'm not too sure on that.
- he never raids his kitchen for food whenever i'm there so maybe that has affected me. If I don't see him eating, I don't think of food! Actually this is true now that I think about it. Whatever and whenever he eats, I will most likely eat the same thing. I would never ask for food unless he offered it to me (once again, this is all due to me not being comfortable raiding his kitchen on my own) so when he does eat his silly bowl of oranges and almonds, I will eat some of his 'dessert' because thats all there is to eat!!
- maybe because we are too busy being lovers and making out constantly and whatnot and I forget all about food. Ha!
I think being with Mr Full Time Lover is a good thing when it comes to food, because he is probably the only person I know who watches what they eat. Obviously he's not like those obsessive people who watch EVVERRYTTHINNGG but he does watch his diet. And I know it has affected me in some way because lets admit it, I did want Maccas today for lunch but wanting to impress him and not look like a fat shit made me want to be healthy. And i'm glad I did that stubborn act because I didn't feel crap about myself. Well maybe the cookies was overkill but whatever, i'm slowly getting there.
So for dinner, I was supposed to cook for my best friend Nicole. Turns out I stayed at Mr Full Time Lover's house a bit too long and had to race to Nicole's house quickly. When I got to hers, I was tired and sleepy and the thought of cooking just made me even more tired. Having to go out and buy all the groceries... argh so tiring. Just quietly, thank god I do not live by myself. Even though I really, really want to. Anyway so when I was at hers, we went through recipe books because I didn't want to do another meal that just revolved around ready made sauces! Even going through all the recipes made me hungry and just the idea of having to cook everything from scratch got me annoyed. So what happened was Nicole decided to cook for me instead. And it was a traditonal Arabic dish. Vegetarian too! Ha, this is something I am not used to. I am used to fat steaks and succulent chicken! But it's ok, this is all a learning experience. So the dish she was cooking was called 'Mloukieh' which consisted of rice and mloukieh herbs. It was a very quick and simple dish that she was able to whip up in ten minutes or so. During that ten minutes, I was crazy hungry. I couldn't handle myself and snacked on whatever I could find.
Yeah there was this massive jar of pumkin seeds. It was good until I
got bored of the no flavour to it!
Yes you are seeing correct. I ate a some lasagna while waiting
for my dinner. Really, I was so hungry.
I was still so hungry. Carrot cake was just sitting there.
After that I got into trouble from Nicole :(
And here she is. She didn't even need oven mitts, the loser.
She's just wanting to look cool. And she does :)
Ok so uh, while WAITING for my dinner to be served, I basically ate a normal dinner with dessert. Do not ask why I was so hungry, i'm not sure myself. Was it because I didn't snack on anything during the day? I'm really not sure. But whatever it is, I would really like to figure it out. Dinner was served not long afterwards and garnished in pine nuts which I learned to love :)
Rice, mloukieh herbs, lemon, garlic, vegetable oil and pine nuts.
I had to admit, I didn't think I would like this because I thought there was no flavour to it or anything filling but boy did this fill me up gooood! Maybe because of the rice... which equals carbs or because I ate beforehand. But either way, I think this dish was really good because it was so fast and simple. It required basic ingredients that you were able to store for a long time in your kitchen unlike meats. The idea of having to cook a meal and not having any ingredients is the worst feeling ever and thats what probably tired me out tonight. In order to be able to cook healthily and properly, I really need to plan ahead. Don't worry, me and Nicole have already planned out a double date where we cook some real good meals for our boyfriends. Aw how cute!
Dessert was simply my favourite. Icecream out of the carton. And honeycomb icecream too. I love it to bits! Yes, I know, icecream is so fattening etc etc, but one step at a time I say.
So for dinner, I was supposed to cook for my best friend Nicole. Turns out I stayed at Mr Full Time Lover's house a bit too long and had to race to Nicole's house quickly. When I got to hers, I was tired and sleepy and the thought of cooking just made me even more tired. Having to go out and buy all the groceries... argh so tiring. Just quietly, thank god I do not live by myself. Even though I really, really want to. Anyway so when I was at hers, we went through recipe books because I didn't want to do another meal that just revolved around ready made sauces! Even going through all the recipes made me hungry and just the idea of having to cook everything from scratch got me annoyed. So what happened was Nicole decided to cook for me instead. And it was a traditonal Arabic dish. Vegetarian too! Ha, this is something I am not used to. I am used to fat steaks and succulent chicken! But it's ok, this is all a learning experience. So the dish she was cooking was called 'Mloukieh' which consisted of rice and mloukieh herbs. It was a very quick and simple dish that she was able to whip up in ten minutes or so. During that ten minutes, I was crazy hungry. I couldn't handle myself and snacked on whatever I could find.

got bored of the no flavour to it!

for my dinner. Really, I was so hungry.

After that I got into trouble from Nicole :(

She's just wanting to look cool. And she does :)
Ok so uh, while WAITING for my dinner to be served, I basically ate a normal dinner with dessert. Do not ask why I was so hungry, i'm not sure myself. Was it because I didn't snack on anything during the day? I'm really not sure. But whatever it is, I would really like to figure it out. Dinner was served not long afterwards and garnished in pine nuts which I learned to love :)

I had to admit, I didn't think I would like this because I thought there was no flavour to it or anything filling but boy did this fill me up gooood! Maybe because of the rice... which equals carbs or because I ate beforehand. But either way, I think this dish was really good because it was so fast and simple. It required basic ingredients that you were able to store for a long time in your kitchen unlike meats. The idea of having to cook a meal and not having any ingredients is the worst feeling ever and thats what probably tired me out tonight. In order to be able to cook healthily and properly, I really need to plan ahead. Don't worry, me and Nicole have already planned out a double date where we cook some real good meals for our boyfriends. Aw how cute!
Dessert was simply my favourite. Icecream out of the carton. And honeycomb icecream too. I love it to bits! Yes, I know, icecream is so fattening etc etc, but one step at a time I say.
To be honest, i've learnt a lot today. I've come to realise that being with certain people really affects my eating habits. Yes, I knew it when doing my mind map, but until actually doing this blog, I really understood how much Benn affected me and the fact that I need to organise myself if I want to actually cook healthily.
Nobody judge me!
Hi JN,
ReplyDeletecould you put together a table that estimates how much you spent on food this week (Friday-Friday)