So it is the first post and already I find it difficult to have time to be at home to load up photos. Luckily I always have some form of camera with me to take photos!
Friday afternoon was the day I decided to do this food blog. I thought might as well jump right into it by cooking dinner! I had already organised a dinner date with a friend, which automatically meant "lets go to a nice restaurant that we haven't discovered yet"... when I suggested to cook, he instantly said "uh no." But after much nagging, we decided to cook our own pizzas!

Cooking our own food did make me think about what I want to put in my food. I specifically chose ingredients that would make me feel 'healthy' - having avocado made me feel good ahaha. But then I smothered it with mozzarella cheese which most likely canceled out the healthiness. What I realised though, I still never took notice of the nutritional labels or anything. Even when I went to buy the bbq chicken, I didn't even care less whether it was free range or not. There was just that one chicken, I was hungry and nothing else mattered. In all honesty, I have no idea whether my meal was healthy or not. The only thing that made me feel good was the fact that I could put as much cheese and chicken on there as possible and that I knew what was in my food.
Oh and just for shits and giggles, we found this piece of ham that made our night.

Saturday is a day I rarely get to eat. Starting work at 8am, running around the house getting ready because I am most likely hungover/tired from lack of sleep means that I never get time to make myself breakfast. To be honest, I don't even make time to make my own breakfast. It's just so much easier to say "i'll just buy it when I am there". And it is easier! I get more time to sleep in and I don't have to worry about searching for food in the fridge. So what did I eat for breakkie? A bacon and egg roll. Yeah I am ashamed. With a chai latte.

Obviously, for lunch I didn't bring anything from home so once again I bought food from the cafe opposite the store. I don't know why, but I wanted chips and a burger so badly. I felt like shit afterwards. I felt fat too. When will I learn?

The funny thing is, when I look at the actual food, it's fine and I can't wait to eat it. As soon as I take the photo with my phone, oh dear god, I just feel like shit!
Saturday night dinners... Its either a full on dinner or just nibbles because alcohol seems to be more important. Yes I sound like a trashbag. But i'm only 21 once! Hah, so knowing what would happen to me if I drank alcohol and had nothing for dinner, I quickly raided my friend's fridge to find a microwave lasgane. Done. A quick dinner that will put food in my tummy and keep me from passing out at 12am.

something, that's all that mattered to me. Oh Nadia, don't judge me!
You'd think i'd have snacks in between meals but I just didn't have anytime to find something to snack on! I swear, the days I work are the days I rarely pig out.
Sunday morning, oh Sunday morning. Hungover. Gross. Need water. Need greasy food. Argh. Luckily for me, I had an amazing full time lover who isn't a fat shit like me and is slightly more health concsious than me. Every day he basically eats porridge - boring, I knoooow! But for me it's good because whenever I sleep over, I get to have a healthy breakfast! And it makes me feel so good! Even when I drench it with honey. Today he was lovely enough to bring it into bed before we started work together :)

But it was really healthy!
Once again, not bringing any food to work, I went downstairs and grabbed a burger meal again. Schnitzel on a roll and wedges. Hey, I was hungover and I needed fatty food to cure my hangover. But to be honest, after taking a bite of that oil oozing schnitzel, I just did not feel good about myself. I couldn't even drink that free can of Coke they gave me. I don't know, just the thought of eating so much oily food and probably having a heap of alcohol in me just made me feel like I was going to die early. I go through these phases.

Dinner was with friend again, this time at an Italian resturant. Mmmm the pasta was AMAZING. Prawn linguine, my favourite <3!>

Annnndd thats a wrap for tonight! I did not know I could talk so much about what I ate the past couple of days. This is going to be pretty interesting!!
Nobody judge me!
Keep up the work, this will be a very interesting experiment indeed. I also think the blog format works really well