So today being Tuesday, I wake up around abooouuuttt 10am and decide to go on a brunch date with an old friend who I haven't seen in a very long time. We met up at around 12pm so it was a bit too late to go for something breakfasty... Instead we went to a noodle shop called Simply Noodles. She ordered her stir fried noodles and I decided to go for something less oily for once and went for the combination wonton noodle soup.

When I got home, I snacked on little bits and pieces.

For dinner I had two of my girlfriends come round and I decided to cook for me them. I decicded to bake tuna pasta bake, which is something I always tend to cook for people. It was the most simple thing to cook, all you need is pasta, tuna, cheese and the tuna bake sauce. When I went grocery shopping, all I needed to buy was the sauce and cheese because I had the rest at home. What I realised once I got home was that I never really looked into the sauce, as in what is in the sauce, any preservatives, additives, whether it was actually healthy or not. Buying the cheese, I did however decide to choose lite cheese rather than the regular one but even then, I just grabbed it because I knew my friends were more health conscious. If I were to shop for me, I would have just gotten the regular one.

Once again, the joys of cooking your own food is that you can be as generous as possible and you don't have to be stingy about anything! I always, always go all out with the cheese and never leave an empty gap. Yeah the more I think about it, the more unhealthy it seems.

she doesn't like tuna... what a princess.
While waiting for the pasta bake to cook, we snacked on little bits and peices. Well I had the Twirl to myself and the girls (and me) ate the lollies while watching TV.

Stupid me forgot to keep track of the time and so the top got slightly burnt. THIS IS A FIRST FOR ME!! I have never ever burnt a tuna pasta bake before. I am so ashamed.

After eating our yummy pasta, we decided to pig out and eat straight out of the ice cream carton hehe. That was pretty damn satisfying.

I had asked both my girls what they thought about cooking dinners rather than going out. Emma said that "it was good and saves money. But I still like the idea of eating out because we don't have to wait as long!" Jessie on the other hand loves cooking food and says "it's a great way to spend time with friends and you don't have to always go out and spend money on expensive food!" Both of them didn't really talk about health issues, like being able to control what was in the food and how much of it was in the meal! For example, replacing vegetable oil with olive oil. However, when I did eventually mention to them about being about to cook healthily, they both realised the great potential and would consider a home cooked meal again!
Another main thing is realised was the fact that just because I cooked my own food, doesn't mean it automatically makes it healthier. Cooking tuna pasta bake (with a shitload of cheese on it!) was probably just as unhealthy as eating out and something greasy as hell. I mean, for starters, I didn't even cook it from scratch. For all I know, so much crap could be in that sauce and I didn't know about it. I REALLLYYY need to control the amount of cheese I put on there. Kudos for picking up light cheese but seriously, I went overboard with the cheese. I think to actually make this cooking with friends experiment more successful, I need to avoid cooking with pre-made sauces or something. I need to pull out some recipes and cook everything from scratch. That way I know EXACTLY what I am eating! Next time that's what I'll do :)
Nobody judge me!